National Medal of Honor Center for Leadership


Through the values of the Medal of Honor: Courage, Integrity, Commitment, Sacrifice, Citizenship, and Patriotism.

Meet Your Moment

National Medal of Honor Center for Leadership

Are you ready to meet your moment?

Some people truly rise to meet a moment of need, and demonstrate selfless leadership in its purest form. Today more than ever, Americans need models of leadership to bring them together and prepare them for the future. We believe there’s no better source of inspiration than the bravery, selflessness, and commitment demonstrated by those rare heroes bestowed the Medal of Honor.

With a nationwide digital educational platform and audience-curated visitor experiences, Americans of all ages, backgrounds, and locations will learn leadership virtues of Courage, Integrity, Commitment, Sacrifice, Citizenship, and Patriotism to inspire them to transform lives, shape the future, and carry forward the best traditions of what it means to be American.

Are You Ready to Meet Your Moment?

Are You Ready toMeet Your Moment?

Courage noun / cour·​ age

Def: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty

Help Us Meet This Moment

National Medal of Honor Center for Leadership Programs

What are your values? How do they show up in your daily life, in your professional life, and in your day-to-day decision-making?

  • The Leadership and Education Program will embrace and inspire learners of all ages to join us on their own journey to ground their motivations and purpose in these core values.
  • In collaboration with higher education institutions and businesses, we will design and deliver innovative, values-driven leadership development programs focused on the Medal of Honor values.
  • The program will provide a value-based framework designed to immerse learners in the values of the Medal of Honor - Courage, Integrity, Commitment, Sacrifice, Citizenship and Patriotism. This interactive experience will provide educational sessions in low-pressure settings with opportunities to explore, practice, and hone the skill sets derived from these six core values.
Blue Coming Soon Ribbon

The Leadership & Education Center

A destination providing individuals with a transformative journey that expands beyond the Congressional Medal of Honor.

The undertaking of this monumental center and this programming is spearheaded by a team of determined veterans and citizens whom, with passion and experience, find it imperative to pave a path for future leaders through unique opportunities and education that is rooted in preserving the stories of our country’s greatest heroes. 

Reflecting a Nation empowered and united by the ideals of freedom, democracy, patriotism, and the best of American leadership – this Center will serve as a local and national platform for leadership through educational resources and curated programs.

National Medal of Honor Center for Leadership
National Medal of Honor Center for Leadership


National medal of honor Medals

Our Vision

A Nation united and empowered by the values of the Medal of Honor.

Our Mission

To inspire, develop, empower and challenge leaders through the values of our Nation’s Medal of Honor recipients.

It was my job. I never thought of it as going above and beyond”

– Army Specialist Clarence Sasser

Medal of Honor Recipient

Army Specialist headshot
Man Smiling in class
Doctors smiling in conversation

It was my job. I never thought of it as going above and beyond”

– Army Specialist Clarence Sasser

Medal of Honor Recipient

Meeting Room with a mix of men and women
Army Specialist headshot
Man Smiling in class
Doctors smiling in conversation