Founders Society
The Founders Society
The Executive Board established the Congressional Medal of Honor Museum Founder’s Society to honor the first 100 donors who contributed $1,000 or more to the National Medal of Honor Center for Leadership Building Fund.
Thank you for your Support
Founder’s Society Members
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Artigues, III
Derek Astorino
James B. Bagwell III
Stephen and Leslie Bailey
Tommy and Victoria Baker
Maj. Richard M. Ball, USAF Ret
Coach Bill Bellichick
John Seabrook Bennett
Louis Bershad
Claude W. Blanchard, III
Claude W. Burns, III
Joe and Kathy Bustos
Charles R. Campbell
Al Cannon
Costa Chekeris
Maj Gen Keith Coln, USAF Ret.
Gray and Elizabeth Coulton
Coach Ryan Day
W. Tim Davis
Coach James Fisher DeBerry
Edward J. Derst III
Alex DeSeta
Edward DeSeta
E.J. DeSeta
Gary W. Edwards
Rear Admiral James H Flatley III USN Ret.
Scott and Linda Foster
Ralph & Gloria Friedgen
Shelly Nuttall Gardner
Maj. and Mrs. George D. Gates III, AUS Ret
Lee M. Greenwood
Joseph P. Griffith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hall
Robert Hayes
Corey Heenan
John C. Heenan
LTC Alex Holbert
Coach Bobby Johnson
Col. William C. Johnston USA Ret
Thomas D. and Deanna L. Jones
John Keener
Chip Kelly
Henry A. Kennedy Jr.
Jimmy and Bunny Kerr
Walt and Amanda Knott
Joe and Kathy Landing
Maj Gen James E. Livingston, USMC Ret
John and Jane Lybrand
Michael and Connie Mancari
Charles and Patricia Maraziti
Bobby and Susan C. Marlowe
Chester Marshall, Jr.
Meredith and William McCarthy
Daniel S. McQueeney
W. Thomas McQueeney
Col. & Mrs. John Mentavlos, USAF Ret
Robert and Beth Meredith
W.M. Buddy Milligan
Col. Norman L. Moore, Jr.
Rod D. Moseley
Keith and Chris Nadolski
Wallace Nunn
Joseph Jenkins Nuttall
Thomas and Jenny O’Brien
Lt Gen and Mrs. Pete Osman
General and Mrs. Peter Pace
Russ & Eleanor Parker Charitable Foundation
Capt. Charles A. Peberdy Jr. USN Ret
Ronald C. Plunkett
Justin Price and Family
John Rama
Maj. Gen Mike Regner, USMC Ret
Reinemund Family Foundation
Neil Robinson
Lt. Gen. & Mrs. John W. Rosa, USAF Ret.
Coach Nick Saban
Phyllis Sheffer
CPT Taylor and Mrs. Skardon USN Ret
Simmons Family Properties
Gregory and Sandra Sims
Coach Kirby Smart
Gerald G. Smeltzer, Jr.
SC Special Forces Foundation
Phillip A. Stiles Jr.
Coach Dawn Staley
Clifford Stanley
Edward C. Sutton II
Coach Dabo Swinney
Charleston Together
George Patton Waters
Mary L. Whyte
Maj Gen. & Mrs. Leo V. Williams III
Josiah Williams
Henry S. Wilson
Kathleen D. Cartland and J. Eric Wooten
Sam and Jane Wyche
Vincent and Yvonne Yax
Karl H. Zerbst, Jr.